Not much has been written on the
aspect of cuisine and eating habits in relation to culture and
certainly not much about the culinary habits of the Lahore
city's denizens. The NIHCR is pleased to publish this
interesting book which will open a new avenue for further
studies to understand cultural history of Pakistan. This book
highlights the cultural history of Lahore, and its interaction
with the culinary and eating habits of the city's residents
especially of those whose roots lie in the city for generations.
Lahore, the capital of Punjab-the country's largest province-is
amongst the oldest cities of South Asia with an ancient history
and rich cultural traditions. The chief characteristics of
Punjabis are that they are basically fun loving and frank people
with an endless love for gastronomical delights of the city.
Thus, eating is a paramount feature of the city's social life.
The city is known for its specific food habits and guests and
visitors alike cannot resist trying out the quality and taste of
the city's endless culinary delights. Indeed, many visitors and
tourists traverse to the city only to enjoy 'Lahori' food. In a
lighter vein there is an old adage that asks 'do you eat to live
or live to eat?' Well, in case of Lahoris, we can easily surmise
the answer that Lahoris 'live and love to eat'.
Prof. Muhammad Iqbal Chawla
has served as Dean of the
Faculties of Arts & Humanities and the Faculty of Law, Director
Pakistan Study Centre, and Director Research Society of
Pakistan and, as Chairman & Professor Department of History and
Pakistan Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Representing
Pakistan, he has participated in many international conferences
where he has contributed as a guest speaker and presented Papers
on a variety of topics. He has been frequently appearing in the
national and international electronic, print and social media to
give his opinion on the historical developments and the
contemporary global issues. As the Chairman of the Department of
History and Pakistan Studies and Director Pakistan Study Centre,
he organized numerous international conferences, seminars and
lectures on different themes and topics related to Arts and
Humanities and Social Sciences. His principal area of interest
is the History and Politics of Modern South Asia. He has
published five books, including the HEC Book of the Year award
winner Wave/I and the Dying Days of the Raj (2012). Besides, he
has also contributed numerous research articles on various
topics to the national and international research journals. He
has been Editor/Chief Editor of the Journal of Research Society
of Pakistan, Journal of Punjab University Historical Society and
Journal of Pakistan Vision.
Dr. Nyla Umar
Mobarik, belongs to a
renowned family of entrepreneurs in the field of confectionery,
catering, and home-furnishing businesses. However, despite her
different business preoccupations, her passion for academics and
research never waned, and she pursued her M. Phil. and Ph.D.
Programmes at the Department of History and Pakistan Studies at
the University of the Punjab. She has also written some articles
which have been published in internationally recognized